- that coca-cola was originally green.
- that the most common name on this planet is mohammed.
- that the strongest muscle in our body is our tongue.
- that women blink twice as much as men.
- that you can't kill yourself by holding your breath
- that it is impossible to lick your tongue.
- that people say 'bless you' or 'alhamdulillah' when they sneeze because your heart stop for a milisecond whenyou sneeze.
- that if you sneeze to heart you will crack your rib and if you try to suppress the sneeze,you may blast your blood vessel and die.
- that laser printers nowadays,bulletproof vest,windshield wipers have in common?they're all invented by women.
- that the only food that does'nt spoil is the honey.
- that a snail can sleep for three years.
- that all polar bears are left-handed.
- that butterflies tastes with their feet.
- that William Shakespeare invented the word 'assasination' and 'bump'.
- that wearing headphones for more than one hour can increase our ear bacteria until 700 times.
- that most lipsticks contains fish scale.
- like fingerprints,everyone tongueprint is different with others.
- that there is a type of buterfly in brazil that has the color of chocolate and even smells like chocolate!
- that cockroaches can live about nine they without their head and die starving after that.
- that a shrimp's heart is in its head.
- that he poison arrow frog have enough poison to kill 2,200 people.
- that the cigarette lighter was invented earlier than the match.
- that turtles have no teeth.
- that shark are immune to diseases wich means that they don't suffer from any diseases.
- that chess was invented in india.
- that a cheetah does'nt roar but they purrs like a cat.(meow)
- that the original name of 'butterfly' is 'flutterby'
- that ants does'nt sleep.
- that the modern number that we use nowadays was invented by an indian scientist named aryabhatta.
- that intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.
- that almost every spiders have eight eyes.
- that the giraffe can clean its ear by using its tongue.
- that the driest continent is Antarctica.it is a desert.
- that jupiter is the biggest planet and it is not solid.
- that human tigh bones are stronger than concrete.
- that it is proven that laughing can help prevent or lessen those who suffers allergies.
- that some worms eat themselve if they can't find food.
- that it is impossible that we can sneeze with our eyes open.
- that there is no penguins at the north pole.
- that finally 99% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow now.
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